sooooo, my birthday is in a month and a half and im making a WISH LIST. :) not that i will get most of the things, but its nice to dream!if i lived in a more exciting place, i would have alot more on this list! too bad mostly all expensive :( like new extensions. oh man. list up later :D (BELOW). im addicted to the gym! there three or four times a week and go go go! sit up machine and bike and rowing machine are love ♥!! i used to row ;) WEEEE. have you ever had a chocolate soy milkshake? they are to die for! :) today i drew an outline of an oversized dress and drew a pattern of jelly slice. it looks really good if you ask me. then i need to take two photos based on tea parties and all will be good :D in japanese lately we have been watching documentaries on geisha. and we just finished watching memoirs of a geisha - ONE OF MY FAVOURITE FILMS. mmm such a good film :)
this list is actually only up so mum can check it through blogger so she knows. as she needs to know ;) cake or no cake?
1. new hair extensions. 2. alien boxset. 3. coconut perfume from body shop. 4.
kawaii nails.5. latest RANZUKI magazine. 6. vintage e-bay clothing! 7. 80s glasses. to glitterize maybe :D
8. pretty rings :) 9. jewels for phone! 10. glitter/jewel vest. 11. glitter nail polish.
12. organic body/hair care. 13. edie (60s) earrings? 14. ben-x
THATS IT. for noowwww ;) yippee.
a tattoo :) pwease mummy. eeeep.
in your dreams baby girl xxxx