Goal: Update this almost everyday! Even if the post is babble, as this one probably will be. It already is... I seem to work all day, spend the afternoon with my love, come home and eat for a few hours, watch a movie and sit here wondering what to post about. Sounds exciting I know, but I love it. Nice relaxing nights after eight hours of work ♥
Ben and I saw 'Just Go With It' last night and while yes, it is hilarious, we were almost asleep. I'm not entirely sure if it's because the movie was something we don't normally go to/enjoy or we just hadn't enough coffee for the day... Everyone else that watched it laughed so much, I could hear more laughter than dialogue. So if you need a funny movie in your life, go go go. But honestly, if I had to deal with Adam Sandler for five more minutes, I would have buried my head in popcorn.
For the week I have the first three 'Karate Kid' films, one of the 'Land Before Time' movies and a James Bond movie! All I need now is Weeds season 3!
The dress pictured is one that I won on E-Bay last night for $25!! Including postage! BEYOND ecstatic about that bargain. Also just stole 400+ songs of Ben, therefore I am set for the near future and can enjoy a bundle of new 60s etc music. And bought Blood Pressures by The Kills today! Bliss.
Everybody's comments/views/opinions are very much appreciated. Thankyou ♥ Keep it all coming.