August 24, 2010
its cold.
What have I done in the last week? I'm not really sure, I cant remember. It is raining right now and I'm not overly keen on walking to my car in the wind and rain, I did buy a Curly Wurly on the way though and now I may be addicted. Saw Salt last week, it keeps you thinking and Angelina is a babe. It was enjoyable, almost as much as Scott Pilgrim :D Off to The Expendables tonight with dad though, which should be pretty amazing with all the action heroes in it like Stallone, Li, Willis etc. It should be epic! I enjoy Katy Perry sing-alongs way too much, especially by myself and toast. So much homework it is beyond stressful plus uni application things and tax forms! Blahhh. Have Emily's 18th dinner on wednesday though! YAY. I get to house/animal sit for a week starting this saturday, I am a little excited! I think I will end up living off noodles and toast all week... I dyed my hair red, but I think I will dye it back though, it looks eww.
I guess it is my 18th birthday in about 6 weeks and have no idea what I am doing for it or what I want for a present! A tattoo? ;D YEAH. I have lots of money coming my way, I am a little excited. Im a bit excited for Melbourne too!
- i live for breakfast lately. - quorn dippers! - pokemon indigo season 2! - wasting time on melbourne stuff with brittony ha. - making skateboards in art is fun! - hubba bubba. - a daily obsession with we♥it - ebay!
August 17, 2010
mushroom pillow.
(cant remember any, oops, sorry!)
WHAT AN AMAZING NIGHT. Just got to witness Benjamin play with his band (Mushroom Pillow) at the battle of the bands. He was on drums and ahhh, he is beautiful and Brittony and I loved his music way too much! Psychedelic trance music, "best since the 60s" according to some parent behind me! :D I am becoming addicted to toast. Im getting prepared for when I live in poverty in Melbourne next year. Mi Goreng all day everyday, yum yum. I also completed a fair amount of homework, kaching! Beyond keen for the next few weeks, making extra money by animal-sitting and spending it with Benjiiii. Bought a dress off e-bay (above) buuutt not sure if I want to keep it? Bought some cute pj's with lollies and icecream from them toady from Target kids section ;) Dying my hair red again tomorrow yyaayyy! Um my weekend was pretty mad, held a surprise party for a friend which resulted in ten people showing and then re-locating to another raw party with crazy people moshing in a small room and nearly getting a basketball through our heads ha. Then sat hungover on the couch for nine hours straight watching tv... I really desire some underwear like in Factory Girl (with Sienna Miller as Edie Sedgwick) where can I get some!? eep.
August 13, 2010
dearly beloved.

I would have my own photos up, but my cam is dead!
EEE, such an amazing day yesterday. Spent a few hours playing video games at Game On and one of the guys that work there gave me a cute little history lesson on Pachinko pinball machines, t'was quite lovely. Then went and ate some popcorn and fanta for dinner, yep yep healthy as, and watched Scott Pilgrim vs The World. It was pretty epic with the video game sound effects and Jason Schwartzman and Michael Cera battling it out! Ahh :) Such a lovely night last night. Bought two vintage bags, a black slip, a large jumper and Alien novel all for $12 at the op-shop today! :D And Pokemon: Indigo League season two for $45! :D made my day. But work soon.. Guess it will pay for moving to Melbourne next year! Beyond excited for the big move with Brittony! (possibly). My hair needs dying, very badly buuut cant decide what colour. I keep finding amazing tattoo ideas like the totoro one above but I still need to decide! And actually be 18..
- primary colours album. - benji ♥ - doc martens. - seeing a movie almost everyday. - knowing what im doing next year. - green apple licorice. - game on! - my 18th! - Quorn products :D all these things excite me right now.
August 11, 2010
this needed a name.
(ellevictoire/cobrasnake/cant remember, oops!)
There is 50% chance of me moving to Melbourne at the beginning of next year for RMIT! And it makes me overly hap hap happy! Vegetarian spaghetti fritters for dinner, nom nom nom. Toy Story 2 for the second time in a few hours :D Been planning my 18th, getting a little excited. My hair desperately needs dying and i have about 876546789 things to do in the next month! Eww. Falls Festival line-up was announced today and makes my heart jump a little! EEE, Washington, The Klaxons, Angus & Julia Stone, Children Collide (seeing as I missed them at SoundScape)! Keen for second round to be announced! The trouble is, getting it off work.... Recently discovered ElleVictoire on Blogger aaand she is sooo cute! Love her fashion! Sheis so young and seems to have a fair bit going for her. She is my age aaand all I have is a lifetime supply of Frootloops aha.
August 10, 2010
how do you tame a lion.

(garrypeppervinategisamazing/lookbook/skinnybitch/shelley ) love the lace over the slip!
Enjoyed a few drinks with friends over the weekend, can't exactly say I woke up feeling overly healthy but i did get to see my favourite man afterwards. I managed to play alot of Spyro also! Wooo. Just watched the new Clash of the Titans, it was pretty enjoyable and has inspired me to get a small tattoo reading 'STYX' as in the river needed to be crossed to get to Hades. I do enjoy some Greek mythology. I also watched Enid, the story of Enid Blyton's life. Well, she was messed up and some issues. The movie was interesting and insightful but that woman, needed some help and someone please tell me how she wrote over 750 books. I watched something else too bbuuuuttt... oh yeah! The Thing, gotta love a '50's black and white sci-fi film to get my night started! Tempted to open a cute cafe, all japanese and pink and cute that sells lots of cool flavoured teas, coffee etc and cute bento and mini sandwhiches! Just a cute place :D Buutt I'm so lazy.
- flavoured licorice by the bag full. - pumping the cure & washington in my new broom. - having four boxes of frootloops in my cupboard. - maccas runs just to eat fries. - tim burton ♥ - finding tattoo ideas. - mm subway!
August 7, 2010
guess who.
Some of drawings from school! Comment and give me an opinion, if it wouldn't trouble you :) most are just on different sized cartridge paper and the tea set is a set of four on op-shop cups and saucers! And some were done in around five minutes! WOO.
August 3, 2010
aboslutely nothing.

It's been exam time so I have been a little busy...lie. I was sick, sleeping, eating and staring at Japanese for a week. But they're over now, phew! More people read this than I actually thought, which is nice :) although i have nothing tor really blog about right now... This week I bought a new spotty blazer, a grey dress, I Believe You Liar by Washington cd, two cd's by The Cure, car mat and a dash mat for my new car, a space invader and cat eraser, the 1957 version of The Thing and Ben-x dvd! Off to see Knight and Day tonight with Benjamin, not really my top pick of what is currently on, not really a Tom Cruise fan. I have lots of money now so I may go to Melbourne to see the Tim Burton exhibition! :D I've been getting really weak and tired lately so I am slowly, not willingly, getting back into eating a LITTLE bit of meat. Blahhh. Watched the best movie last night, Man on the Moon with Jim Carrey. Went to a house warming last weekend for Stef! Good times! Drank some OMNI and ate too many Doritoes... Dad just got me a carrot cake cupcake with a tower of cream cheese icing! :D :D
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