TWINKIE CHAN makes the cutest pieces! Scarves, bags, pins and plushies! She herself is so adorable looking and her items are to die for! "Eat your cake and wear too" makes me hungry for cupcaakkkes! I really need one of her beautiful scarves, save save save! Found her blog along time ago and completely forgot to save the page and just re-discovered and keen to get a piece or t-shirt! :D ALSO, you should check out her tattoos, so cute!
Ahh life, so hectic this week! My car got stolen and was sighted in an armed robbery, had a paper interview, lots of late shifts at work, dentist tomorrow, I have three school folios to complete including my art one! Also I have my two exams and Japanese oral exam over the next two weeks buuut I also get the entire exam period off school! YAYAYAY. Benjamin bought me a toy Formula 1 car and choc coated coffee beans today and people kept giving me hot chips and I had sushi! I have lots of money to splurge = rings, new phone, lollies, clothes and op shopping! I also bought a dinosaur doona cover for my new queen size one! Ahh this weekend will be k-mart, Benjamin's house, work work work, Stef's new house saturday night aaannnddd study!